This Buffet includes set up and pack down, any leftovers are packaged for you to take home
This buffet can be themed in your colour scheme
Vintage White Wooden Stand with Striped Canopy
Pom Pom Decorations
Pom Pom Garland for front of Buffet Table
Personalised designed Signage for your buffet
Wooden Oak Platters with faux moss to display your buttercream cupcakes
Fresh Flowers on Buffet.
100 Personalised Lolly Boxes (the artwork from your invitations can be matched onto the lolly boxes)
1. 20 Italian Lemon Coconut Slice
2. 8 Personalised Design Pop Bottles
3. Pesonalised Signage and Oak Stands with faux moss &
buttercream cupcakes
Botanical Buffet $500 (feeds 100 guests)
(If you want to add your own desserts we provide you with stands to display these at no extra cost)

4. 2x Lollypop trees and personalised signage
5. 20x Rocky Road Slices
6. Cupcake Tower of 30 cupcakes, Monogrammed
Letters in Fresh Flowers, Platter of Mini Cupcakes and
Marshmallow Pops, Marshmallow Icecream Cones
7. 20 marshmallow pops 20 mini cupcakes, two glass
domes with buttercream cupcakes on faux moss
8. Close up of cupcake on Wooden Oak Stand with
Monogram Topper
9. KM Monogrammed Flower Letters with view of
marshmallow pop & mini cupcakes.
10. Close up of marshmallow pops
11. Optional Platter of Macarons $2.50 each
12. Oak fairyland cupcake stands with faux moss

13. Monogramed Letter Topairy
14. Cupcake Stand image
15. View of Left Side of Buffet
16. Detail View of Top of Cupcake Stand
17. View of Right Side of the Buffet
18. View of Double Birdcage with Flower Decoration
19. View of the Right Side of the Buffet
20. Oak Stands displaying cupcakes